Alicante - Holidays

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Sorry I took a little break from blogging, I have been very busy and just hadn't the time to sit down and write or take photos. I have been packing for college and preparing for college and then of course actually moving and settling in. The week before I moved into my new room in University I took a little holiday to Alicante in Spain!! It was such a lovely place, so different and beautiful. I took a few photos of the gorgeous scenery there and I thought I would share them with you.

My First Graze Box

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

My sister sent me my first Graze box to my university address and I excitedly went to pick it up from the office. My first parcel and it involved food. I was over the moon. I had been dying to try Graze boxes for years... and now that I'm at Uni, it seemed like the perfect time. Of course I want to eat well, and affordably, and I also don't want to resort to lazy processed foods, high in artificial preservatives and nasties. Graze is perfect for me, as it has my favourite sort of foods in lovely, tasty mixes.